Short Film of the Week: ‘Space Cat Hob’ by Loic Bramoulle

A Tiny and mysterious cat-like creature awakes in the remains of his smouldering spaceship and finds himself on a journey through a beautiful and dangerous world, in aquest to find answers.

Blending together 3 of the most popular genres of online video (animation, sci-fi and cat) into one 6-minute action-packed short, Loïc Bramoullé seems like he’s onto a certain winner with his thrill-ride film Space Cat Hob. Following its titular hero as he navigates his way across a foreign land, Bramoullé’s latest short builds on on the impressive animation work seen in his 2010 Vimeo staff-picked graduation film Parigot.

Sticking to a simple, somewhat tried-and-tested narrative (I couldn’t help but be reminded of elements of Wes Ball’s Ruin and Jesús Orellana’s Rosa when watchingSpace Cat Hob), Bramoullé presents us with what is basically an extended chase sequence for the duration of his story. Pursued across a fantasy landscape featuring carnivorous plants and zombie-like insects, what Space Cat Hob lacks in narrative complexity, it certainly makes up for in aesthetic splendour and exhilarating fun.

Genre: Adeventure
Director: Loic Bramoulle 
Production Company: Delapost Paris
Duration: 6 Minutes

Visit for the full synopsis

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