‘Transformers 5′: Michael Bay May Pass on Directing


Michael Bay indicated that he was done with the Transformers franchise after he directed the third live-action movie installment (subtitled Dark of the Moon) - only to turn about-face and serve as helmsman on Transformers: Age of Extinction. That film has grossed more than $1 billion worldwide and guaranteed that Transformers 5 will happen, though Bay is again saying he’s probably done with shooting movies that feature robots in disguise.

Question is, do you believe he’ll follow through on the claim his time? Well the 49-year old filmmaker has been name-dropped as the potential director on a few non-Transformers projects over the past year, including a film adaptation of the Ghost Recon video game property and a WW II thriller currently titled Sabotage. Meanwhile, a script for Bad Boys 3 continues to be developed, should Bay decide that he wants to return to that action/comedy well.

However, in an article recently published by USA Today (hat tip to /Film), it’s suggested that Bay wants to “pass the baton” to another director on Transformers 5. The article in question contains a direct quote from Bay where he says that he’s not interested in retreading familiar territory and instead wants to tackle something beyond his customary spectacle-driven action entertainment, on his next venture as director.

“There’s kind of a new chapter, a new direction in movies I want to make,  I have a lot of stories to tell. And it’s about flexing new muscles.”

For the full article visit Screenrant

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