Episode 53 (7016) Tuesday, 01 March 2016
Bill and Katie are planning to get married. Katie asks Brooke to be her matron of honour. Brooke and Eric agree that what is best for Rick and Maya may not be what is best for Nicole.
Episode 54 (7017) Wednesday, 02 March 2016
Because of his history with Brooke, and their previously tumultuous relationship, Donna questions Katie’s certainty about marrying Bill. Ridge has concerns about attending Bill and Katie’s wedding while making a first public appearance with Caroline as a couple. Brooke quenches herself mentally and emotionally as she prepares for her sister and ex-fiancé’s nuptials. Caroline and Ridge’s relationship is the hot topic among the guests at the wedding.
Episode 55 (7018) Thursday, 03 March 2016
One particular guest appears to be out of sorts as Bill and Katie walk down the aisle to be joined as husband and wife. Deacon can’t catch a break with Quinn as she drills him about his association with Brooke. Quinn voices her frustration and lack of empathy regarding Brooke and asks Deacon why he continues to be a part of Brooke’s life.
Episode 56 (7019) Friday, 04 March 2016
Rick is concerned about Eric’s return, fearing his father’s reaction when he learns of all that has happened in the office and at home. Meanwhile, Ridge is looking forward to Eric finding out about Rick’s misdeeds, hoping that his father will reconsider the position of CEO. Ivy assures Liam that she is secure enough in their relationship for him to be working with Steffy. Having called Liam for a meeting, Steffy has other items on her agenda besides discussing their plan to take over Forrester Creations.
Episode 57 (7020) Monday, 07 March 2016
Ivy reveals to Wyatt that she knows about the Spencer’s scheme to takeover Forrester Creations and force Rick out of power. Wyatt warns Ivy about Steffy’s aggressive ways of getting what she wants, and tells her that what Steffy has always wanted is Liam. Eric makes a controversial decision about which of his sons he plans to lend his support to. Liam is put in a difficult predicament when Steffy presents him with a stipulation to her participating in his plan.
Episode 58 (7021) Tuesday, 08 March 2016
Eric stands his ground in his support of Rick and his position as CEO despite opposition from Ridge and the rest of the employees at Forrester Creations. Having been warned that Ridge is gathering witnesses to speak out against him to Eric, Rick takes action to thwart his brother’s attempt to get their father to change his mind. Ivy watches unseen as Steffy makes an aggressive attempt to get Liam to agree to her terms for assisting him with his plan against Rick.
Episode 59 (7022) Wednesday, 09 March 2016
When Ivy issues her a stern warning about the blatant move that she made on Liam, Steffy refuses to back down. Ridge is torn between his disdain for Rick and his loyalty to Eric when Liam approaches him about joining in on the plan for the Spencer’s acquiring Forrester Creations. Nicole makes an unannounced and unwelcomed visit to Maya at the Forrester mansion looking for a place to live.
Episode 60 (7023) Thursday, 10 March 2016
Maya gets her hopes up thinking that she will soon become a member of the Forrester family when Rick presents her with token of his love. Ridge and Steffy contemplate assisting Liam’s attempt to overthrow Rick while discussing the ramifications of the Spencer’s taking over the company. Despite Rick’s recent bad behavior, Eric and Brooke confer about the confidence they have in their son’s ability to successfully run Forrester Creations. Ivy confesses to Liam about her earlier confrontation and her unwillingness to allow Steffy to come between them.
Episode 61 (7024) Friday, 11 March 2016
Bill and Katie bask in their reunited love as they enjoy the peace and quiet of Aspen during their honeymoon. Feeling as though they are starting a new chapter of their lives together, Katie assists Bill in closing a significant one from his past. When Eric graciously rejects her idea of continuing their conversation about Rick over drinks, Brooke takes her party of one to Il Giardino. A chance encounter puts Brooke and Deacon in the same location for two very different reasons. Deacon is torn when he must choose between Brooke’s invitation to stay with her and his commitment at home with Quinn.
Episode 62 (7025) Monday, 14 March 2016
Quinn attempts to deal with her feelings after her son expresses his concern about Deacon’s intentions. Deacon attempts to fight his feelings for Brooke.
Episode 63 (7026) Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Making her point in the most convincing way she knows how, Quinn issues a threat to Brooke to stay away from Deacon. Ivy questions Liam about the temptation that he has been dealing with ever since Steffy has been back in town. Ridge and Steffy go back and forth about whether they want to deal with Rick for another year as CEO, or join the Spencer’s in their attempt to takeover Forrester Creations. Being protective of his mother, Wyatt grills Deacon about his association with Brooke.
Episode 64 (7027) Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Steffy makes her intentions crystal clear to Ivy about what she expects from Liam if she goes along with his plan to acquire Forrester Creations. Actions speak louder than words when Maya questions Rick about the sincerity of his apologies to the others in the office. Wyatt gives Ivy a cause for concern when he explains to her the great lengths Steffy will take to get what she wants. Steffy pleads her case to Liam about why she wants him back in her life as a partner in business and in life.
Episode 65 (7028) Thursday, 17 March 2016
Fresh from her conversation with Liam, Steffy pays a visit to Ridge to inform him about what she has planned for her future. Quinn regretfully confesses to Wyatt about the unfortunate run-in that she had with Brooke. Wyatt suggests that Quinn tell Deacon about the encounter before Brooke does. While Brooke and Deacon differ over who kissed whom, she informs him about the side of Quinn that he is not familiar with. Liam has disappointing news for Ivy.
*Friday, 18 March 2016 – The Bold and the Beautiful will fall away due to cricket
Episode 66 (7029) Monday, 21 March 2016
In disbelief at what Deacon is asking of her, Quinn makes her best attempt to get him to change his mind about her. Out of concern for his mother, Wyatt questions Brooke about Deacon, his past, and his feelings for her. Brooke warns Wyatt that he will need to be there to support Quinn emotionally when Deacon walks out on her. Ridge updates Caroline about the latest details regarding her family’s plan to overtake Forrester Creations. Caroline and Ridge collaborate on another work of art.
Episode 67 (7030) Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Wyatt becomes even more concerned about his mother’s wellbeing when she tells him the news about her and Deacon. Brooke is in complete disbelief when Deacon blindsides her with what he has planned for his near future. Tired about the way they’ve been treated, Ivy and Aly agree to stand up to Rick in order to gain his respect. Nicole arrives unannounced at the Forrester Mansion looking for Maya, and a place to live. When Quinn overhears Brooke speaking poorly of her to Deacon, threats are hurled between both ladies.
Episode 68 (7031) Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Deacon grows extremely concerned when Wyatt informs him that Quinn is at Brooke’s house sharing the news about their engagement. An adamant Quinn refuses to cower down to Brooke’s refusal to allow her and Deacon to get married. Nicole moving into the Forrester Mansion isn’t well-received by the current occupants, especially Aly, who is forced to move out of her room. Maya catches onto the reason why Nicole has resurfaced into her life.
Episode 69 (7032) Thursday, 24 March 2016
While settling into her new residence, Nicole presses Ivy and Aly for information about Maya and Rick’s relationship. When Quinn questions his continued association with Brooke, Deacon asks her to be more understanding about their affiliation. Wyatt updates Brooke on the current state of his and Hope’s marriage. Brooke is blunt with her opinion to Wyatt regarding her feelings towards Quinn and Deacon getting married. Maya questions Rick about their future together.
*Friday, 25 March 2016 – The Bold and the Beautiful will fall away due to cricket
*Monday, 28 March 2016 – The Bold and the Beautiful will fall away due to cricket
Episode 70 (7033) Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Having regrets about her recent behavior, Brooke takes a good look at herself and questions if this is the way she wants to proceed in her life. Rick confides in Maya the reason for his authoritative behavior at Forrester Creations. Seeing how she is being treated worse than the rest of them, Aly is encouraged to stand up to Rick. When Aly backs down, Ivy steps up and takes it upon herself to confront Rick about treating his family and employees disrespectfully.
*Wed, 30 March 2016 – The Bold and the Beautiful will fall away due to cricket
*Thursday, 31 March 2016 – The Bold and the Beautiful will fall away due to cricket