Generations shuts down

The Generations crisis has officially hit the ultimate rock bottom and the soapie’s going dark for two months. Off-air. Gone. Non-existent on our screens until December. As we mentioned with the Generations teasers this month, there are no teasers because the scenes in the teasers couldn’t be filmed. There are no episodes to air and the script’s are being changed so the show’s going dark from Wednesday, 1 October.Which has to go down as one of the biggest changes to a South African TV schedule EVER. Of course the SABC are calling it a “minor change” to “revamp” the show. This from the release about it:

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) today announced minor changes to its TV schedule, in light of the fact that SABC 1 soap drama Generations will be revamped. The revamp comes after 16 actors contracts were terminated by MMSV Productions.

Another NOT-minor change is the fact that Skeem Saam will be replacing Generations at 20h00. It’s ditching the 18h30 slot which has been so loyal to it and leaves behind … wait for it … repeats of local dramas.

The Generations repeat on SABC3′s going to be replaced by Muvhango. Amidst all this, the 16 dismissed Generations cast are on a mission to get their jobs back. They’ve filed papers with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for re-instatement.

For more information on the article visit TVSA

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